Sophie describes why she sought lessons from Edna Golandsky.
“At the age of 35, despite world-class teachers and a successful career as a violinist, I found myself in a predicament; my playing felt limited and I was groping for answers I could not seem to find. The result was solutions more like a patchwork of guesses that were far from reliable. Many colleagues seemed to be in a similar spot or worse, were starting to feel pain and discomfort from previously reliable technique.
By contrast, I had seen my duo partner who had suffered a severe piano injury, retrain to a stunning level of virtuosity and musicianship under the teaching of Edna Golandsky and the Taubman Approach. I went to a lesson with him and intrigued by what I saw, started having lessons with Edna Golandsky: violin lessons from a pianist. I immediately realized that here was an approach that could identify and itemize each separate physical movement that goes into playing, how these movements interact and how the physical motions go directly into music making of the highest order.
Furthermore, through the Golandsky Institute, here also was a pedagogy so immaculately developed, that there was a clarity of communication beyond anything I had ever experienced before.”
“Edna Golandsky has been the single most influential figure in my career as a violinist. Her willingness to work with me, a violinist, moving out of familiar territory with the body of knowledge of piano technique in which she is so well versed, is a testament to her agility and generosity. The instruction she has given me over the last twelve years has transformed my own playing, my teaching and as a result, the entire trajectory of my career. Now, professional string players, students and children are now benefiting from her knowledge and instructional techniques. Under her tutelage and guidance, I have been able to put careers back together after injuries, and set young string players out on a new path. I feel privileged to be able to carry Edna’s work forward and to help to expand it beyond into other instruments.”
– Sophie Till, Faculty and Director of the Marywood String Project, Marywood University